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  1.1.3 Query with LIN-Bus Changer on RS232:
The device suit in a small RS232- connector case. left: LIN, right: RS232.

The power supply comes from RS232- connector. It need never a external power supply! The connector cannot destroy your computer. The power consumption is limited to 19 mA. On working with a notebook it can be occur the power is not enough, then you must connect +12V on the LIN- connector.The device site is saved for high voltage.

The connector can up to 20 kBaud data transfer (LIN- bus specification).

The LIN- transceiver toggle self between send and receive. All data from the LIN bus goes to the receive line, so the echo from the sended characters, too.
To be able to send a correct Lin telegram it is important to activate "send BREAK first" and the first character in the input dialog must be a "0x55".

These hardware working with BinTerm- software under Windows 9x, NT4.0, 2000 and XP.

Pins from LIN- bus- connector:
RS232-female LIN-male
Pin-Nr function Pin-Nr function
2 RxD 2, 3 LIN- Bus
3 TxD 5 GND
5 GND 6 +12V
7 RTS    
4 >> 6 DTR >> DSR    


